Easily Assembled, Sustainable, ECO FRIENDLY, Rodent Proof, Rot Proof, Waterproof
Garden Fence, Highway Fence, Sport Fence, Farm Fence
place of origin
Hebei, China
3D modeling, 3D sample models, instruction book, video of installation, graphic carton, product marketing copy
pressure treated wood type
Heat Treated
Fencing, Trellis & Gates, security fence, Driveway Gates, Fence Accessories, Fence Gates, Fence Hardware, Fence Panels, Fence Posts, Fence Rails, chain link fence, Fence Post Caps
גובה הגדר
1.2 מ ', 1.8 מ', 2.4 מ 'וכו'
אורך הגדר
3m, 3.6 מ ', 4.3 מ' וכו'
גודל רשת
50*50 מ "מ, 60*60 מ" מ וכו'